Hi! I'm Sabrina, and a mother of two beautiful children (5 and 2.5 yo). I began my fitness journey about a year and a half ago. After having my second child, I figured it was time for me to get into shape. I didn't like the way my clothes fit, especially when I was driving to work. Feeling the post-baby-belly bulge was really uncomfortable. I had no energy and working outside the home full-time with children with special needs didn't allow me the opportunity to spend as much time or energy with my children as I'd like.
Before kids, I used to play competitive volleyball and go indoor rock climbing weekly. After my first child, I eventually was able to get back on the court sporadically, but it was hard to get out of the house. The same happened with rock climbing. Now with two children, one of who was attached to my hip, it became even more difficult to leave the house. But I knew that I needed to take care of myself and my health.
I started with a 90 day free fitness challenge I found online towards the end of 2013, and I was able to get results even though the workouts bored me. I injured my hip playing volleyball in November (the one time I got back on the court!) and finishing up the challenge exacerbated the problem. It hurt to walk, as my hip flexor clicked with every step, as if I was pinching a nerve. I went to physical therapy for a few months, with minor improvement, and no exercise. I also had recurring lower back issues for years from an inline skating injury in college.
My sister-in-law told me about Beachbody's Shakeology and the exercise program called Piyo (pronounced Pie-yo). It was yoga and pilates based, with strength training. There was also no equipment needed. (I always wanted to do Yoga--[doesn't that make me seem like a well-rounded person?]-, but never could get the breathing down). In any case, I thought I'd give it a try and started in July 2014.

Let me say, Chalene Johnson (Piyo creator), Piyo, and Shakeology changed my life. I'm naturally a competitive person, if only with myself. It was challenging for me to do the exercises, but after every one, I felt great! And every time an exercise repeated, I noticed improvements. Additionally, the way Chalene trains was not annoying (you know how some of those fitness instructors can be). And all this time I was doing it, I didn't have my recurrent back problem or my hip problem. I didn't notice those two facts until I had completed the program the second time around and realized that my back hadn't hurt in ages! I was drinking Shakeology every day for breakfast, which gave me more energy and no afternoon slump at work, and I was able to lose weight and tone up to boot. Win-win!
Now I work out 6 days a week because I want to, not because I haven't met a goal. I've maintained my weight. My clothes fit better. Working out has become a part of my life now. It has become a part of my husband's life too, as we motivate each other. The best part of all of this is that my kids see us doing this, and have learned and will continue to learn that exercise is an important thing to do to keep us healthy. I'm still working full-time outside the home, but have found that I have more energy now than I did before I had children.
Now I'm sharing my love for this program and others with other people. Moms, dads, ANYONE who is interested in starting on their fitness journey. Helping others work toward or achieve their goals has been very rewarding. Interested in a program? Let me know and I can help you find one.
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